Performance and Events
Padagogical research
Commissioned work

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Affective objects are a series of installations, videos and photos, realized from the affection for some forgotten and deposited objects, sometimes a little disturbing or impediment.   |   2013 - 2014

Nonsense verde granata   |   Video HD  |    Loop screen on wall 350x197 cm about, 0 cm altitude from floor  |    2013

Nosense verde granata is a camera take of an upside down sofa. An affective form.

Set for a voice   |   Video HD  |   2 min 51 sec  |    Photo 90x60 cm, paper mat 240 gr  |    2014

Have you ever seen the girl singing and playing the violin in Brussels’s bars? My intent was to prepare a set for her voice, but when I get in touch with her it was too late. The set has taken the form of an installation, a composition a composition of affective forms at their essential point. I wouldn’t even known were to put the violinist, the installation was already her portrait   |   Artist Residency, Bains Connective, Bruxelles

Solare   |   Photo  |    90x50 cm   |   inkjet print on paper mat 240 gr  |    2013

Solare is a camera take of an angle of an house, where plants, pumpkins, vases and some furniture stand near a window. All is abandoned with care. Objects are seen, nourished, enliven and life-giving, made visible and usable, primarily by light. The opposition of the two sides, one filled with amass of plants, objects, edible goods, and the other empty. A microcosm (or macro, that is insignificant), badly distributed, observed in one of his possible expressions of methodical abandon.

© 2014 · all rights reserved / © all content on this website is the work of Giulia Savorani and cannot be used or distributed without written consent by the artist.