Padagogical research
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Killing time, parks, pools and bulldogs   |   Animation film  |   cut out animation  |  Realized by I ragazzi di carta  |   Director and editor Giulia Savorani  |   Assistant director and assistant editor Davide Ciaramella  |  Animation I ragazzi di carta, Davide Ciaramella, Giulia Savorani  |  2024

Killing Time can be defined as a self-cognitive documentary, produced through a multimodal anthropology experience where the creative process represents a possibility of emancipation, involving all participants in the production of knowledge. It is the result of the research process in the educational field at the “Renzo Pezzani” middle school in Corvetto, Milan. The film moves between memories, places and times near and far, alternating with fantasies, desires, fears. It tells of a city that leaves no room for children, of games on the escalators of a shopping center, of drug dealers, of fights, interspersed with idyllic seaside landscapes, children's pools and seas that submerge Christmas markets. In their free moments they play to kill time, the empty opportunity of idleness, potentially full of creativity. They nicknamed themselves The Paper Guys because like paper they immediately catch fire but are also resistant.

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